April 29, 2007

So I Guess It’s Official…

We no longer have a baby, we have a toddler. Yesterday, the daycare center gave us the official letter saying they’re going to move Alex from the infant room to the toddler room in May. The transition starts the second week of May and lasts two weeks. Each day during those two weeks, he spends a little more time in the toddler room. I like how they try to ease the kids into a new routine. And there’s a lot about the new routine that I think Alex will like, such as going out two times a day to the playground. At the same time, we’ve been warned to expect a lot of tears and general crabbiness during the transition period.

On Friday afternoon, Molly and I peeked into what will be Alex’s new room. The kids in there all look so old. It’s so strange to think that Alex will be with them!

Written by Brian Dewey.

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